Community Meetings held to give tribal members an opportunity to sign Comanche Petition #05-13 to call for Special Tribal Council Meeting. Petition is circulated by Eleanor McDaniel.

Walters, Oklahoma
Tuesday, January 28th
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Walters Public Library Meeting Room

Lawton, Oklahoma
Wednesday, January 29th - 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Lawton Public Library Room #2

Cache, Oklahoma
Cache Housing Authority Community Building
Fund Raiser -Indian Taco Sale
Thursday, January 30th
10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Bill of Particulars as follows:
The purpose of this petition is to call for a Special Tribal Council Meeting to present the following for discussion and a vote:

To vote that no board or committee shall be established or operate using gaming funds without the approval of the Tribal Council and no board or committee shall supersede CBC authority and shall act only in an advisory capacity with no power to hire or fire tribal employees. An exit letter circulated by an out going CBC member stated that the Nation paid as much as $15 million dollars in gaming dollars to support as many as 23 boards and subcommittees. If this vote is passed the Tribal Council shall vote to approve or disapprove each board or committee at the next General Council Meeting in April.
I have submitted a grievance to the CBC regarding the actions of Pat Couts as President of the Museum Board and received no response in this matter. The Tribal council shall also vote to permanently remove Pat Couts and Jayne Meyers as members of the Comanche National Museum Board because they have brought disrepute upon the Comanche Nation and did act to sabotage the operations of the Comanche National Museum and so that they both shall NOT be permitted to sit on any other board or committee of the Comanche Nation and shall NOT be employed with any entity of the Comanche Nation.

To vote to immediately and permanently remove Consuelo Lopez as college president and so shall not be employed with any entity of the Comanche Nation and permanently remove the Comanche Nation College from the annual budget and that no tribal funds shall be used to fund any such college without the knowledge and consent of the Tribal Council.

To vote that no administrative cost shall be charged to any program that operates with gaming funds and that all administrative costs shall come under the Tribal Government portion of the Tribal Budget.

To pass a Tribal Council Resolution that shall invoke the supreme authority of the Tribal Council to hire/remove a Gaming CEO and that the Gaming CEO shall provide an all inclusive financial report and forecasts at the Annual General Council Meeting.

To pass a Tribal Council Resolution to permanently eliminate the Gaming Board.

To vote to rescind/revoke the CBC motion to bring the Comanche National Museum under the authority of the Tribal Administrator.

To vote that all line items of the Annual Budget that DO NOT PASS shall no longer go to Capital Improvement but shall be used to immediately establish a food bank to provide for the emergency needs of tribal members and to establish a tribal grocery store to allow tribal members to purchase food at cost.

To vote that all tribal ordinances and any by laws shall be approved by the Tribal Council and shall not become law unless ratified by a majority vote of the tribal council.

To vote that the CBC must act to provide a 60% per cap as already approved by the tribal council NLT November 2013.

To vote to permanently and fully eliminate CONIE and confiscate all funding and resources to be used to provide housing opportunities for tribal members to include building/buying houses and apartment complexes.

To vote to enforce the nepotism clause as it is written in the Comanche Tribal Constitution.

To vote to change the Comanche Tribal Personnel Policies in order to comply with the Comanche Tribal Constitution regarding nepotism.

To vote that a line item list on the annual budget to explain use of funds shall be provided for 20% funds.
Eleanor McDaniel
Cache, Okla.