Acclaimed short film “Running Deer” to premiere June 1st, 2013, stars newest X-Men cast member, Booboo Stewart as well as Jon Proudstar and Q’Orianka Kilcher.
PHOENIX – Ak-Chin Indian Community and the UltraStar Multi-tainment Center at Ak-Chin Circle are proud to announce the national premiere of “Running Deer”. “Running Deer” is a short film set in a Native American community and follows the life of a high school cross country star who faces a barrage of personal struggles the day before the most important race of his life. The movie features Booboo Stewart of the “Twilight Saga” and the most recent actor cast in “Xmen Days of Future Past”; Q’orianka Kilcher, who starred as Pocahontas in Terrence Malick’s “The New World” and Jon Proudstar, creator of the first Native American comic book “Tribal Force.” This premiere will be open to the public at no cost.
”Running Deer” was directed by Brent Ryan Green, written by Jeff Goldberg, and produced by Toy Gun Films. It was shot on location in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas in October 2012.
Toy Gun Films will present a free Filmmakers Workshop to the Ak-Chin community on Friday, May 31st. Brent Ryan Green, Director, and Jeff Goldberg, Writer, invite the children of the Ak-Chin community to UltraStar, giving them the opportunity for a Q&A and to learn about the film industry through a slideshow explaining different aspects of film making.
Booboo Stewart and Jon Proudstar will be in attendance at the premiere on June 1st at 5pm. After the premiere, a Q&A will be held with the stars in attendance as well as the Director and Writer. There will be a short autograph and photograph session following.
About Toy Gun Films:
Toy Gun Films is an independent film production company based out of Oklahoma City and Los Angeles. Brent Ryan Green and Jeff Goldberg founded the company in 2009 and its films have won multiple awards from film festivals around the world. For more information about Toy Gun Films, please visit
About Ak-Chin Indian Community:
The Ak-Chin Indian Community is nestled into the Santa Cruz Valley of Southern Arizona. The Community lies 58 miles south of Phoenix in the northwestern part of Pinal County. Ak-Chin is an O’odham word translated to mean "mouth of the wash" or "place where the wash loses itself in the sand or ground.” Ak-Chin has an enrollment of more than 937 tribal members.